
SARBL - Smart Adaptative Realtime URIBL

SARBL is a dns service anyone can use to filter spams.

It's a DNSBL stating which domain name is likely a spammy one. It's currently used by a bunch of French, Canadian and British ISPs and hosting providers. It's well maintained as of August 2016.

How can I use SARBL to filter my spam?

If you know how to use a URI RBL in your spam filtering software, just add "" in your uri filters.

Users of Amavis or Spamassassin, you can add this to your spamassassin configuration filters:

urirhssub       URIBL_SARBL       A
body            URIBL_SARBL        eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_SARBL')
describe        URIBL_SARBL        Contains an URL listed in the SARBL blocklist
tflags          URIBL_SARBL        net
reuse           URIBL_SARBL
# here, choose how many points you want to give to emails whose domain names are detected by our filter: 
# our recommended default score is 2, but once you trust this list enough, 4 points could be good:
score URIBL_SARBL   0 4 0 4 
# if you trust it to *not* trigger a false positive, you could even say 5 or 6 points here :) 

Then restart your spamassassin or amavis daemon to use this new service.

Users of Zimbra mail are using spamassassin too, you just need to edit


and then restart your service with

zmamavisdctl restart

Users of Rspamd can benefit from SARBL since version 1.3.3 or use the following configuration snippet :

   group "surbl" {
       symbol "RBL_SARBL_BAD" {
           weight = 2.0;
           description = "A domain listed in the mail is blacklisted in SARBL";
   rule {
       symbol = "RBL_SARBL_BAD";
       suffix = "";
       noip   = true;
       images = true;

Please note that we'd rather have less blacklisted domains than false positive. So you should be able to give a lot of points to this filter without much risk.

Questions ? Participate ? ...

If you have questions, you should look at the FAQ for answers, if you can't find your answer here, contact us at team [at]' (no spam or commercial proposals, thanks)'. We can answer questions in French and English.

If you want to participate to this project, mail us, having users feedback and some non-filtered spams could help, and helping building the regexp we use could help too ...